Andean Wedding Ceremony: A Traditional Ceremony Held with Pomp and Glory
Ayahuasca Retreats organized in Peru comprise different kinds of ceremonies to bring the spiritual transformation in a person’s life. Some ceremonies aim at cleansing their inner-self whereas others strive to gain the lost power from nature's healing powers such as water and mountains. One of The unique and the most talked about ceremonies is Andean wedding.This ceremony aims at making wedding preparations of a couple in the ancestral manner coming from Inca times. This ceremony is performed in the most sacred form so that couples get the blessings of Mother Earth and their union will stay forever and be blessed by the Pachamama, the Mother Moon and the Father Sun.
Andean Wedding Ceremony Rituals
This kind of wedding ceremony takes place in a sacred place well-enveloped by high mountains. Both the groom and bride’s family work day and night and do necessary preparations including preparing food, putting up decorations, sewing colourful hems to list a few. As per the Andean’s tradition, the typical outfit of the groom comprises an elaborate poncho, which is decorated with flowers as well as animals, a heavily-sequined chullo (an Andean hat with earflaps) and a large Montera hat. This hat is decorated with green and red ribbons, white beaded straps and colourful woollen poms.
The traditional wedding dress of a woman comprises a matching a sequined Jobona (a wool jacket decorated with patterns exhibiting natural scenes), Montera hat and a beautiful pollera skirt. Though, Andean women wear pollera skirts in everyday’s life but wedding pollera is given a special makeover with bright and different colors. Sometimes, a woman wears more than 5-6 skirts to give their dresses a heavy look and volume.
The Andean Wedding Ceremony is popularly held every year where several couples tie their nuptial knot and Mother Earth affirms their relation. So, even if you want to organize your wedding in a similar fashion, it is necessary to make an advance booking. For this, fill a form and give your necessary details like date of wedding, bride’ name, etc. Once they approve it, make 50% advance payment for confirming bookings. Ensure to read the inclusions and exclusions of the package before making any bookings.
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