Unlock your Body's Luminous Power with Chumpy Healing Ceremony

Healing stones discovered in Peru's Andes are known as Chumpy stones or Apu stones. These stones are used for clearing energy centres, defensive work, and grounding work. The Quechua term "chumpi" means "belt," and it alludes to the stones used in the "Bands of Power" ritual. The Bands of Power are protective bands or energy fields that encircle a person. They are all linked to an energy centre and serve to seal a person's energy field and keep damaging forces from passing through our natural energetic barriers.

Chumpy Healing Ceremony - Insight

Only the Qero Shamans are capable of performing this ritual, which is one of their ancient healing methods.

The Chumpy Healing Ceremony employs seven HEALING STONES created by the Quero Tribe in the highlands. Each stone has its own special properties and is associated with a holy Apu (mountain spirits). During the healing procedure, the Shaman will employ seven abilities:

Otorongo – Jaguar

 Kuntur – Condor

 Killa – Moon

 Sachamama – Great Serpent

 Inti – Sun

 Siwar Qente –  Hummingbird

 Coca leaves — Mama Kuca

Chumpy Healing Ceremony will unlock your body's luminous power, then cleanse all of your 5 energy centres in your body, as well as your Paa (right) and Lloque (left) power, starting at the top of your head. Working with Karen, Andean Shaman, you will learn a unique form of healing that utilises the four element forces of Fire, Water, Earth, and Air. Using the 7 healing stones to offer profound healing, the body and nervous system are restored back to their original spiritual equilibrium. This powerful therapy will aid in the relief of anxiety, the enhancement of psychic abilities, the restoration of ancestral patterns, the cure of addiction, the improvement of focus, and the enhancement and rejuvenation of energy in your body.

The positive impact of Ayahuasca private retreats

Ayahuasca, a powerful, mind-altering liquor, is practically hard to get and almost certainly illegal to possess in most areas of the globe, which is why an increasing number of individuals are coming to Peru's Amazon Rainforest in pursuit of this enigmatic drink. Ayahuasca is a bitter drink derived from Amazonian herbs exclusively found there. Although the drink's origins are unclear, it is a significant shamanic ritual among tribes such as the Shipibo-Conibo in Peru's Amazon, since it transports the drinker on a kaleidoscopic voyage with Mother Ayahuasca. Before you decide to meet Mother Ayahuasca, here are some things you should know about Ayahuasca and its fast developing firm.

Mental and Emotional Health

You can learn a lot from ayahuasca. Self-acceptance is one of the most important things it teaches you. Your ego is a strong thing, and in today's culture and media, you're constantly told that you need to look a particular way to be happy.

When Ayahuasca is administered, the illusion is dispelled. It's all a trick of the sight that we'll never understand. Ayahuasca tells you that you have the secret to ultimate happiness. The physical advantages of Ayahuasca Private Retreats are numerous. Straightening crossed energy and cleansing the body are two of the brew's key purposes. This implies the body can function with the least amount of energy and physical restriction possible. Because it impacts so many sections of the brain, ayahuasca may help you transcend prior processing patterns. This allows for the creation of new connections as well as the re-evaluation of memories, especially traumatic ones.

Ayahuasca can help you grow as a person. As a consequence, you'll be more productive in whatever you do. It increases the effectiveness with which your body completes its everyday responsibilities. This implies that just a modest quantity is needed to preserve the status quo or to get additional advantages from the same input. It increases your vitality while decreasing your need for sleep. Small, customised Ayahuasca Private Retreats are also offered in Peru at modest pricing, with an emphasis on the wealth and health of the participants.




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